Do you dread Monday mornings? Are you going to look back at your life and think “if only I…..”? Are you in the wrong job?
As Confucius said: “Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”
If you’re not happy, then it’s up to you to do something about it.
First of all, think about why you need a change. Maybe some changes to your current role or a move to another organisation would be enough to make you happier, or maybe you need a bigger change.
Consider how your current abilities can be used in another role – we can all too easily define ourselves by the job that we have, rather than our abilities. What do you like doing best? What type of situations make you feel best about yourself? What are the main skills you have gained both in and out of work?
Once you have identified areas of interest, research sectors, organisations and roles both on-line and through talking to people. You could even look for work experience or a part-time role to get your foot in the door. Prove to a prospective employer that you are motivated, informed and know what you have to offer that can benefit their business.
If after six months or a year, you’re not making much progress, you might want to put it aside for a while. Do some of the things your research taught you might be necessary (learn additional skills, additional experience, go back to uni or college or whatever) and try again in a while. Don’t give up.
I have helped many people to change career, and I know no-one who regretted it. But do your research beforehand!